My “Texas Chainsaw” Experience (a fan submission)

The “Under the Mask” Blog is an online outlet for the “Dont Go Out There” podcast hosts to further add creative content into the horror community.

by: Tyler Cain

Hey y’all, this is mookie from twitter. I just wanted to email y’all when Nicoh mentioned he once delivered mail on dirt roads, because I do as well and have this crazy ass story of someone I once delivered mail too regularly. I’ll link the article in case y’all want to read it but I’ll try my best to summarize it from my point of view.

I delivered mail on this one route, 6 days a week straddling the middle of my 4Runner, that is about 60 miles long. There was this one road that was always sketchy esp in the back where a giant 7 ft metal wall was… for literally no reason…. or so I thought. One day I’m over there delivering mail and I see a giant fire, which for this area is not out of the question, it could be a meth lab explosion or etc. So the next day I’m back over there pulling up on that same road and just see the whole place surrounded by police and everything taped off. I’m talking 10+ police cars, sheriffs, state, highway everyone was there. They were out there sifting through through, looking through the woods and etc, and I was a tad spooked because one I’m not driving properly and two I peed in those goddamn woods every single day. I never knew what happened, and had actually kind of forgotten about it. Until one day I’m scrolling through twitter after work and it turns out they found multiple bodies and they just so happened to be apart of the universal Aryan brotherhood, a white supremacist prison gang. Anyways, as I said Nicoh mentioning that and then y’all just doing Texas Chain Saw Massacre made me want to write in and share. Thanks for what y’all do, love the podcast and keep on keeping on y’all. 

P.s. Sorry I’m so late on this, it’s peak season rn and it’s once kicking my ass. Merry Christmas and happy new year can’t wait to listen to y’all more. 


A Thank You To The Halloween Franchise