Nolstalgia and Horror


The “Under the Mask” Blog is an online outlet for the “Dont Go Out There” podcast hosts to further add creative content into the horror community.

by: Nicoh Chen

October 17th 2019 we dropped our very first film review episode on our podcast. We all told our stories of what got us into horror and why we’re fans of it now. Friday the 13th Part 6: Jason Lives was my first horror/slasher I ever watched. (Or tried watching, I was terrified) I was 6 or 7 years old when this happened and not 22-23 years later I still remember that experience. After doing over 40 film reviews and interviews with my incredible co-hosts there’s one thing I’ve really learned. How strong the nostalgia pull is when it comes to some of my favorite horror movies and figures in the genre.

I mean what if Halloween 2 had been my first horror movie I watched? Jason might not be my favorite slasher. All my rankings in these franchises could be totally different. Another example I have is “The Strangers” I saw this film in theaters by myself and that movie still sticks with me. I remember being in that seat, and seeing Sackhead first appear in the hallway. I rated that film a 10 while other fans of the show told me how much they didn’t care for the film. When you combine the theatre experience with just a certain time in your life it just adds so much more to a film.

My last example I’m gonna share is Jeepers Creepers, a film I recently picked for film review. This movie takes me back to junior high school and hanging with my buddies before his birthday party. This film has some aspects I can totally understand people not liking. I’ve learned though when a movie is near and dear to the heart we overlook these flaws. Well maybe not overlook but we give them a pass.

Wrote all this to say that movies are deeper than just movies to a lot of us. They shape who we are. If I never had watched Jason Lives as a 6-7 year old boy I might not be a part of this podcast. I may not be friends with all these fine gentleman I call co-hosts. Embrace all the movies you hold dear. Horror brought me and my mother closet. Horror brought these awesome cohosts (brothers) into my life.


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