
The “Under the Mask” Blog is an online outlet for the “Dont Go Out There” podcast hosts to further add creative content into the horror community.

by: Kristen aka Casper, DFWTO podcast

YO! My name is Kristen aka Casper from the horror podcast "Don't Fuck With The Original" aka ChuckysSideChick on Twitter and Instagram! Wanted to tell you all what horror is to me and what it means to me.

Growing up in an EXTREMELY Christian household I was not allowed to watch anything horror. It was evil in their eyes. The first horror movie I remember seeing was the Blob when I was about 5...my aunt had it on and I ran from the room Terrified. Skip to 12 when I saw the movie Abominable and couldn't sleep for a week..yes I am aware of how terrible that movie is now 🤣. Then skip to 16 years old with a really close friend of mine who was die hard into horror. We watched the Grudge and it scared the ever living hell out of me. But then I found myself wanting more. We watched Mama and I didn't care for that much. Then I watched Scream...

Talk about a COMPLETE 180...

that movie was like watching a real life scooby do episode and that was my shit when I was a kid. Scream changed my life-I HAD to of course watch ALLL of the original horror movies and then fell in love with Nightmare on Elm Street. Freddy is still my favorite today with Chucky close behind. Horror did something for me that nothing else did. I used to and still do have THE WORST anxiety. It used to control me even. I also went through a nasty depression. Horror helped me feel sane. Helped me feel safe even. Gave me an outlet to release my fears and frustrations. Horror isn't just a genre to me..it's my life. It means the world to me and always will. Just as Wes Craven said, " Horror does not create fear, it releases it." no true words have been spoken.

And now I've thrown myself into more horror by having a podcast where I get to talk about it all the time! It's called "Don't Fuck With The Original" and Becky and I (Casper) cover everything you can imagine! From movies to haunted locations to true crime to cryptids and pretty much anything you can think of. We both love horror more than you could-Imagine and getting to talk about it weekly is something we both truly enjoy and love.

We are in Castbox, Podcast Player, Podbean, Spotify, and Podcast Addicts. If you wanna hit us up email us at dfwto8493@gmail.com! Thank you for listening to my horror rant and hope you check out the podcast!! Make sure to listen to "Don't Go Out There" podcast too because these guys are DOPE as hell and deserve some love
-Much Love


Jason Voorhees is a Dead-ite


It All Started In Haddonfield