My “Texas Chainsaw” Experience (a fan submission)
Hey y’all, this is mookie from twitter. I just wanted to email y’all when Nicoh mentioned he once delivered mail on dirt roads, because I do as well and have this crazy ass story of someone I once delivered mail too regularly….

A Thank You To The Halloween Franchise
On October 14th, Halloween Ends will hit theaters. They don’t need any of my help pushing this or marketing the film, it’s going to do just fine on it’s own. The reason I’m stating that upfront is because the closer we get to that day the—- well, more emotional I get….

What’s Next for Halloween? How about Halloween: Retribution!?
OPEN: Our movie would open up in the late 90's at Jamie Lloyds house (Danielle Harris)….

Friday the 13th Part VIII Part 2: Manhattan is Taken Back
The year is 1991. Jason Voorhees has been on the loose in The Big Apple for 2 years now, and cut scenes during the title card/opening credit sequence show that he’s very much alive..

Halloween Ends: It’s more than Just the End of a Trilogy.
Halloween Ends: It’s More Than Just The End Of A Trilogy
October 27, 1978 a little low budget film called Halloween released….

My Thoughts on 2000’s Horror
Scream: A Franchise for the Horror Fan, by the Horror Fan.
I get asked all the time what my favorite horror film is…

Scream: A Franchise for the Horror Fan, by the Horror Fan.
Scream: A Franchise for the Horror Fan, by the Horror Fan.
I get asked all the time what my favorite horror film is…

Get Out
Fan Submission by: Rashad CrowellLet me start out by saying that I am generally wary of “black trauma” films…

The Photographer
A Script Outline By: Dustin Franklin
It’s been 20 years since the events of the original, and Sy Parrish is out of prison.…

SCREAM 1973 Spec Script
A Script Outline By: Bryan Hathaway
We want to establish these characters in high school in Woodsboro in the early 1970’s. It’s the last day before…..

Something on the Hill
Fan Submission by: Sonia Shamoka
Growing up in Hamilton, I have come across my share of scares, hauntings, and ghosts. Hamilton is a very old town, with an ample amount of history.

Open Your Eyes
Fan Submission by: Sonia Shamoka
I was about ten years old and just had moved to Ontario from my hometown of Edmonton, AB. As a child

Starting to Feel Normal Again….
by: Nicoh Chen
2020 was one hell of a year and that’s saying it lightly. We were all looking forward to 2021 with a hope of normalcy again…

“You’re gonna need a bigger boat,” …but do we need another Jaws?
by: Shannon Pietrasiewicz
So over the last few decades, rarely have we seen a film have the kind of lasting impact that we have seen with…..

One Year Later….
by: Mike Settle
A little over a year ago, a few friends began joking around on social media….

More Credit is Due
by: Bryan Hathaway
Now.... before I get into this, let me just say the Director and the Writer, I feel, go hand in hand….

Sometimes a Film Sticks With You
by: Nicoh Chen
Hello fans and listeners of our podcast. Thank you so much for the love and support. Nicoh here and I was born February 6th 1991. The reason I put my birthday….

Halloween and hopes for the Sequels
by: Nicoh Chen
First off, I’m a self admitted Jason Voorhees stan. I really like the fact that in my opinion, the franchise revolves around the character of Jason. That’s what brings down the Halloween franchise to me.

Is the 'Slasher' Dead?
by: Michael Settle Jr.
Normally an blog like this would take a long winded way of getting to the answer of the headlining question, I’m not here to do that. Let me answer this right of that bat for you…

Nolstalgia and Horror
by: Nicoh Chen
October 17th 2019 we dropped our very first film review episode on our podcast. We all told our stories of what got us into horror and why we’re fans of it now.